My Story

As long as memory serves, I’ve always been an artist. Growing up I took as many classes as I could to help develop my skills, and loved exploring new mediums whenever I had the opportunity. Tattooing was something I was fascinated in from childhood but never knew I’d get the chance to be involved in as an adult. I started my apprenticeship at Ink & Destroy in Canton, OH in mid-2014 and have been a full time tattoo artist since 2016. In 2024, I opened my own private tattoo studio, Mellow Fern in North Canton, OH.

My goal has always been to find a way for my art to help people, and I’ve found this fulfillment time and time again throughout my years of tattooing. I feel so honored to be able to take part in people’s journeys, whether through a tattoo to reclaim one’s body, to give self confidence, to cover scars, or for a beloved who has passed. I’ve been so grateful to be a safe space for my clients to heal/process emotions, or to just be themselves, all are welcome. 

Beyond tattooing I’ve continued to explore painting in mediums such as gouache, watercolor, and ink. Creating more personal pieces to push myself as an artist, as well as offering commissions when I have time available.